Upcoming Events
To see all meeting times and other events, see our

Prayer & Fasting
April 6th-10th | CCMH
During the week of April 6th-10th, CCMH will be having a week of prayer and fasting.
04/06: Evening of Worship and Prayer at 5:30 PM
04/07-04/09: Prayer meetings during the week at 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM
04/10: Communion and Break the Fast Thursday at 5:30 PM

Celebrate Easter Sunday
April 20th | CCMH
Come join us on April 20th to celebrate Easter Sunday! We will have 3 services at 8:30, 10, and 11:30 AM. Invite a friend!

Resolve Men’s Conference
April 26th | Idaho Falls, ID
The 4th Annual Southeast Idaho Mens Conference is taking place on April 26th at Idaho Falls! The Theme is “Resolve: Better Husbands. Better Fathers. Better Men. Men resolving to be men the way they were designed.” For more information click this link here for the event. If you would travel with other men from CCMH please let us know by contacting us at this email (jonah@ccmountainhome.com) or signing up at the kiosk in the lobby.