Mar 13, 2013
“Politics and Government”
  • Mar 13, 2013“Politics and Government”
    Mar 13, 2013
    “Politics and Government”
  • Mar 10, 2013“Don’t Forget” Joshua 4
    Mar 10, 2013
    “Don’t Forget” Joshua 4
  • Mar 6, 2013“Step By Step” 1 Timothy 3:1-9
    Mar 6, 2013
    “Step By Step” 1 Timothy 3:1-9
  • Mar 3, 2013“Vanishing Point” Ecclesiastes 2
    Mar 3, 2013
    “Vanishing Point” Ecclesiastes 2
    Series: Ecclesiastes
  • Feb 27, 2013“Step By Step” 1 Timothy 1:12 – 2:15
    Feb 27, 2013
    “Step By Step” 1 Timothy 1:12 – 2:15
  • Feb 24, 2013“What God Has Done With Them…”
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    “What God Has Done With Them…”
     Breif Message, Testimonies, and Baptism
  • Feb 20, 2013“Step By Step” 1 Timothy 1:1-11
    Feb 20, 2013
    “Step By Step” 1 Timothy 1:1-11
  • Feb 17, 2013“Vanishing Point” Ecclesiastes 1
    Feb 17, 2013
    “Vanishing Point” Ecclesiastes 1
  • Jan 2, 2013“Philippians 4″
    Jan 2, 2013
    “Philippians 4″

    Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies


    The letter to the Philippians is letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support and to instruct them on the issue of unity. As we walk “step by step” through this letter I am confident that God will bless our time, study and discussion.


    Philippians 4


    V1 therefore-So then, or ‘in light of this…’. Considering who we are in Christ (3:8-11,17-21) we should be eager to reconcile and maintain unity within the body of Christ. 

    If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:18


    stand fast in the Lord-Who we are in Christ enables us to resist, even stand against temptation and opposition.


    V2,3  We are not told what the issue is between these 2 ladies but it had the potential to bring division within the church. God simply instructs them to “be of the same mind in the Lord”. The beauty of true Christian fellowship is that we are each unique yet united. Unity with diversity was a New Testament truth before it was a contemporary cliché.               

    It is better to be a help rather than a hindrance concerning reconciliation.


    V4 The key is that we rejoice in the Lord. Regardless of our pains, trials, or circumstances we have joy in Him. As the song goes; “the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”                          Again- Choose to rejoice, always!


    V5 It is common place for criticism to be known, it takes thought and effort to let your gentleness be known. Gentleness; “means meekness under provocation, readiness to forgive injuries, equity in the management of business, candour in judging of the characters and actions of others, sweetness of disposition, and the entire government of the passions.” Dr. Macknight


    V6 anxious-“To be troubled with cares”. Anxiousness or worry is an imbalance of thought which produces an uneasiness and restlessness. Worry weighs a person down, alters their personality and is a cause of illness, indigestion, headaches, muscle aches, etc…  What do we do about it? Cast it over to God (1Peter 5:7)!  Notice we are to be anxious for no-thing. We are to give to Him everything. Simple in concept yet difficult in application, until we realize He will guard our hearts and mind. (Proverbs 3:5-8)


    V7- The product of giving all to Him (v6) is that we experience His peace. This inner protective peace guards our emotions and thoughts and keeps us calm when we may be tempted to worry.


    V8 Upon giving all to God we must realize the importance of taking every thought captive (2Co.10:5). Once we have given everything over to Him it is essential to rethink the way we think (Romans 12:2). Look at the list mentioned here in v8 and then consider how your thoughts will shape your attitude and outlook.


    V9 Paul was not boasting when he made mention of himself. He knew what God had done in his life and encouraged others to live wholeheartedly for God as well. Paul always gave God the credit for the good work done in his life.


    V10 Epaphroditus had brought Paul a gift from the Philippian church (2:25,4:18). Paul was obviously encouraged by this gift of love as it was an opportunity for his Philippian friends to express their love and appreciation. (v14)


    V11-13 This process of learning does not happen overnight. Paul learned that circumstances did not define his relationship with God. May we grow to understand this truth and speak humbly, confidently as Paul; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    V14-16 Jesus said “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).  The Philippian church time and again supported the work of the ministry that Paul was doing. Paul was a hard worker and did not ask for handouts, he simply accepted gifts for the necessities so he could do God’s work.


    V17- Paul knew that those who give genuinely and graciously would be blessed by God, for God knows the heart and action of all His children.


    V18 I have all and abound-Paul is writing from jail and yet he knows the wealth of his Father. Here he graciously and thankfully acknowledges the gifts that were sent to him.


    V19- God will supply our needs out of His abundance in a greater way than we would imagine.


    V20- Now=In light of or considering His riches, faithfulness, grace(ch.1-4)!  glory=praise, honor, worship.


    V21-23 Note thewarm greetings that remind us of the genuine fellowship they shared.    Those of Caesar’s household were probably soldiers assigned to guarding Paul who heard and responded to the gospel.


    My Memory Verse for this week: ________________



    Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662

  • Dec 5, 2012“Philippians 3″
    Dec 5, 2012
    “Philippians 3″

     Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies


    The letter to the Philippians is letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support and to instruct them on the issue of unity. As we walk “step by step” through this letter I am confident that God will bless our time, study and discussion.


    Philippians 3

    V1 Paul now states what he has been longing to remind the Philippians of which is, to rejoice in the Lord!  Paul then gives them instruction on how to truly rejoice in the Lord; even while in jail!


    V2,3 Paul is addressing Jewish teachers who were adding on to the Gospel. (See also Acts15:1-29) God’s warning through Paul- is to Beware of false teachers who sound good, but what they are teaching is not good.   Circumcision: Is a cutting away of the flesh, as an Old Testament outward sign of a covenant relationship.    (New Testament Circumcision references: Romans 2:25-29, 4:9-12, Colossian 2:11-14)


    V4-6 Paul now proceeds to disprove the false teachers. He is not boasting about who he is, he is merely comparing based upon their logic of righteousness which comes from human effort. If righteousness comes by human effort then according to their way of viewing people Paul would be the most qualified.


    V7 Paul’s summary is all that he inherited, all that he was taught, and all that he thought was righteous prior to knowing Jesus was of no value!


    V8-11 Paul now realizes that the main thing is what God has done, not what Paul can do. Now the main thing is knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.


    V9 There is no greater liberty and joy than to know that you are right with God because of God. Not our works, nor our bloodline, but by Him and Him alone!


    V10 Paul desired to grow closer to Jesus; to know the power of His resurrection, to have the fellowship of  suffering, and being conformed to his death by laying aside his own will to fully know God’s. 





    Open Discussion: Verse 10


    Discuss how we know Him and the power of His resurrection ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________

    and the fellowship of his sufferings, ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

    being conformed to His death.   ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________





    V11 I believe Paul is referring to resurrection life in this life. He knew of the life to come (1:21-23) yet he longed to be more surrendered, more submitted, more of a servant like Jesus. The reality is that the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see our need of more of Him. It is kind of simple, the more light the easier it is to see the impurities. Paul did not recoil at the knowledge of his sin, he desired more of Jesus and less of self.


    V12-14 What a wonderful mindset: Honesty, determination, forward-looking,  knowing the true source of where his strength came from.

    Honesty:  “not that I have already attained..” The truth was not depressing to Paul rather it motivated him to know God more.

    Determination:  “I press on…” (2 Corinthians 11:23-33) Gives us a glimpse of what Paul went through while serving. This ‘drive’ was fueled by the reality that is revealed in (2 Corinthians 5:14,15.)

    Forward-looking: “reaching forward to those things which are ahead..” Building from the past while looking forward to the future. Many Christians get caught in the past and can’t progress toward the goal.

    Goal-Oriented: “I press toward the goal…” Not task driven or imbalanced. Paul was able to fix his eyes on a target and move towards it. It is clear from the context of this letter that Paul knew that his strength was in God alone. (4:13, 3:10, 1:6)


    V15,16 Paul realized that he was not competing nor comparing himself against other believers. Each of us must walk in the knowledge we have been given, with the desire to know more (2 Peter 3:18).


    V17 See 1Timothy 4:12-15.


    V18,19 Paul had seen many walk away from simplicity that is in Christ. Clearly this tugged at his heart yet he had to ‘call it like it is’ concerning false teaching and selfish motives. What would Paul have to say about many Christian conversations today?


    V20-21 In contrast to an earthy perspective we are to remember who we are in Christ. This place is not home and we should long for His return, heaven, and our new heavenly bodies. (2 Co.5:1-11)


    My Memory Verse for this week: ________________


    Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662

