Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies
The letter to the Philippians is letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support and to instruct them on the issue of unity. As we walk “step by step” through this letter I am confident that God will bless our time, study and discussion.
Philippians 3
V1 Paul now states what he has been longing to remind the Philippians of which is, to rejoice in the Lord! Paul then gives them instruction on how to truly rejoice in the Lord; even while in jail!
V2,3 Paul is addressing Jewish teachers who were adding on to the Gospel. (See also Acts15:1-29) God’s warning through Paul- is to Beware of false teachers who sound good, but what they are teaching is not good. Circumcision: Is a cutting away of the flesh, as an Old Testament outward sign of a covenant relationship. (New Testament Circumcision references: Romans 2:25-29, 4:9-12, Colossian 2:11-14)
V4-6 Paul now proceeds to disprove the false teachers. He is not boasting about who he is, he is merely comparing based upon their logic of righteousness which comes from human effort. If righteousness comes by human effort then according to their way of viewing people Paul would be the most qualified.
V7 Paul’s summary is all that he inherited, all that he was taught, and all that he thought was righteous prior to knowing Jesus was of no value!
V8-11 Paul now realizes that the main thing is what God has done, not what Paul can do. Now the main thing is knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
V9 There is no greater liberty and joy than to know that you are right with God because of God. Not our works, nor our bloodline, but by Him and Him alone!
V10 Paul desired to grow closer to Jesus; to know the power of His resurrection, to have the fellowship of suffering, and being conformed to his death by laying aside his own will to fully know God’s.
V11 I believe Paul is referring to resurrection life in this life. He knew of the life to come (1:21-23) yet he longed to be more surrendered, more submitted, more of a servant like Jesus. The reality is that the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see our need of more of Him. It is kind of simple, the more light the easier it is to see the impurities. Paul did not recoil at the knowledge of his sin, he desired more of Jesus and less of self.
V12-14 What a wonderful mindset: Honesty, determination, forward-looking, knowing the true source of where his strength came from.
Honesty: “not that I have already attained..” The truth was not depressing to Paul rather it motivated him to know God more.
Determination: “I press on…” (2 Corinthians 11:23-33) Gives us a glimpse of what Paul went through while serving. This ‘drive’ was fueled by the reality that is revealed in (2 Corinthians 5:14,15.)
Forward-looking: “reaching forward to those things which are ahead..” Building from the past while looking forward to the future. Many Christians get caught in the past and can’t progress toward the goal.
Goal-Oriented: “I press toward the goal…” Not task driven or imbalanced. Paul was able to fix his eyes on a target and move towards it. It is clear from the context of this letter that Paul knew that his strength was in God alone. (4:13, 3:10, 1:6)
V15,16 Paul realized that he was not competing nor comparing himself against other believers. Each of us must walk in the knowledge we have been given, with the desire to know more (2 Peter 3:18).
V17 See 1Timothy 4:12-15.
V18,19 Paul had seen many walk away from simplicity that is in Christ. Clearly this tugged at his heart yet he had to ‘call it like it is’ concerning false teaching and selfish motives. What would Paul have to say about many Christian conversations today?
V20-21 In contrast to an earthy perspective we are to remember who we are in Christ. This place is not home and we should long for His return, heaven, and our new heavenly bodies. (2 Co.5:1-11)
My Memory Verse for this week: ________________
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662
- Dec 5, 2012“Philippians 3″
Dec 5, 2012“Philippians 3″By: Dan DavisSeries: Wednesday Evening
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies
The letter to the Philippians is letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support and to instruct them on the issue of unity. As we walk “step by step” through this letter I am confident that God will bless our time, study and discussion.
Philippians 3
V1 Paul now states what he has been longing to remind the Philippians of which is, to rejoice in the Lord! Paul then gives them instruction on how to truly rejoice in the Lord; even while in jail!
V2,3 Paul is addressing Jewish teachers who were adding on to the Gospel. (See also Acts15:1-29) God’s warning through Paul- is to Beware of false teachers who sound good, but what they are teaching is not good. Circumcision: Is a cutting away of the flesh, as an Old Testament outward sign of a covenant relationship. (New Testament Circumcision references: Romans 2:25-29, 4:9-12, Colossian 2:11-14)
V4-6 Paul now proceeds to disprove the false teachers. He is not boasting about who he is, he is merely comparing based upon their logic of righteousness which comes from human effort. If righteousness comes by human effort then according to their way of viewing people Paul would be the most qualified.
V7 Paul’s summary is all that he inherited, all that he was taught, and all that he thought was righteous prior to knowing Jesus was of no value!
V8-11 Paul now realizes that the main thing is what God has done, not what Paul can do. Now the main thing is knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
V9 There is no greater liberty and joy than to know that you are right with God because of God. Not our works, nor our bloodline, but by Him and Him alone!
V10 Paul desired to grow closer to Jesus; to know the power of His resurrection, to have the fellowship of suffering, and being conformed to his death by laying aside his own will to fully know God’s.
Open Discussion: Verse 10
Discuss how we know Him and the power of His resurrection ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________
and the fellowship of his sufferings, ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
being conformed to His death. ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
V11 I believe Paul is referring to resurrection life in this life. He knew of the life to come (1:21-23) yet he longed to be more surrendered, more submitted, more of a servant like Jesus. The reality is that the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see our need of more of Him. It is kind of simple, the more light the easier it is to see the impurities. Paul did not recoil at the knowledge of his sin, he desired more of Jesus and less of self.
V12-14 What a wonderful mindset: Honesty, determination, forward-looking, knowing the true source of where his strength came from.
Honesty: “not that I have already attained..” The truth was not depressing to Paul rather it motivated him to know God more.
Determination: “I press on…” (2 Corinthians 11:23-33) Gives us a glimpse of what Paul went through while serving. This ‘drive’ was fueled by the reality that is revealed in (2 Corinthians 5:14,15.)
Forward-looking: “reaching forward to those things which are ahead..” Building from the past while looking forward to the future. Many Christians get caught in the past and can’t progress toward the goal.
Goal-Oriented: “I press toward the goal…” Not task driven or imbalanced. Paul was able to fix his eyes on a target and move towards it. It is clear from the context of this letter that Paul knew that his strength was in God alone. (4:13, 3:10, 1:6)
V15,16 Paul realized that he was not competing nor comparing himself against other believers. Each of us must walk in the knowledge we have been given, with the desire to know more (2 Peter 3:18).
V17 See 1Timothy 4:12-15.
V18,19 Paul had seen many walk away from simplicity that is in Christ. Clearly this tugged at his heart yet he had to ‘call it like it is’ concerning false teaching and selfish motives. What would Paul have to say about many Christian conversations today?
V20-21 In contrast to an earthy perspective we are to remember who we are in Christ. This place is not home and we should long for His return, heaven, and our new heavenly bodies. (2 Co.5:1-11)
My Memory Verse for this week: ________________
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662
- Nov 28, 2012“Philippians 2″
Nov 28, 2012“Philippians 2″By: Dan DavisSeries: Wednesday Evening
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies
The letter to the Philippians is letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support and to instruct them on the issue of unity. As we walk “step by step” through this letter I am confident that God will bless our time, study and discussion.
Philippians 2
V1-2 therefore-Since, or, because we have these things. Discuss the qualities listed and how they can influence our mindset.
- 1. comfort of love
- 2. fellowship of the Spirit
- 3. affection
- 4. mercy
V3 Let nothing be done through strife of vain glory (KJV). Such as striving, or competing against another person’s work or against another person’s ministry. It is this sort of selfish ambition seen within the Garden of Eden that can ultimately ruin a person’s life. However, selfless ambition; putting others first, is the very example we see from Jesus in the Gospel. (Mark 10:45)
V4- How do you do both; “look out for your own interests” and at the same time be looking out “for the interests of others?”
V5-7 The ultimate example of servant hood and humility was Jesus! He came from the highest of positions to be a lowly servant for mankind. When the disciples were arguing about which one of them was the “Greatest” Jesus said to them in Mark 9:35 “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”
V8- More than appearing as man, He humbled Himself. (Luke 22:41,42.) The cross was reserved for criminals, and the outcasts of society, yet the God of all power allowed men to inflict pain upon Him by way of crucifixion. (John 1:10,11; Hebrews 12:2)
V9-11 Victory on the cross is a gift for all of humanity, and some will receive His gift and bow with joy. Sadly others will reject the gift, and bow in humiliation on their final day of judgment.
V12a- Obedience should be an act of love, whether anyone is watching or not. (Colossians 3:22-24)
V12b,13- Working out your salvation means you have something. Working for your salvation is when you are trying to get something. V12 must be applied through the understanding of v13. God is working in you! What an honor/privilege God would inhabit and lead us! Greater still is that we could somehow bring pleasure to Him!!
V14-This is instruction, not a suggestion!
Personal Reflection
Reflect upon, how you can live out V14 within your own life?
What are we trying to accomplish when we complain, when we dispute?
V15-We are to be lights in the world, not replicas of the world. We should be different in a positive way. (Matthew 5:14-17, Ephesians 5:8)
V16- Paul, like John had great joy in knowing that believers were maturing. (3 John 4)
V17,18 Not knowing whether he would live or die, Paul encourages the believers to stay the course with Jesus, even in the unknown.
V19-24 Paul desired to know more about the people in Philippi but there was a challenge. He had no one to send to them; “for all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus.”
Would the same be said of us today; do we truthfully and sacrificially seek first the kingdom of God?
V25-30 Notice the warmth and personal interest that these verses contain. Notice also how Paul conveys equality towards those who serve with him. Paul did have authority but he did not imply nor present superiority. The work of God is accomplished through humble servants who are willing to lay their lives down so God will be glorified; no matter what the personal cost.
My Memory Verse for this week: ________________
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662
- Nov 14, 2012“Philippians 1″
Nov 14, 2012“Philippians 1″By: Dan DavisSeries: Wednesday Evening
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies
As you begin this study it is our desire that you will have a growing appetite and joy for the Word of God. The time we have in group interaction as well as your own study of the passages can be a great way to learn and grow.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” Proverbs 3:5,6
Philippians 1
As we will see the theme of the letter is that of rejoicing, joy, and encouragement. What is interesting is that Paul wrote this letter while under Roman house arrest as he was awaiting trial, (Acts 28:30-31, Phil. 1:13).
Discuss how your personal environment can have an effect on your attitude and outlook on life? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Philippians 1:1- The Greek word for bondservants is doulos which means: willingly devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests. (Thayer Definition 1c).
Paul gives a simple introduction followed by identifying the recipients of the letter- saints-Means blameless, set apart. Based on Jesus’ gift we are either a “saint” or we are an “aint”. It is not our works that makes us blameless; it is the finished work of Jesus that makes us “saints”.
V2-Grace and peace are often mentioned together in the New Testament and it will always be Grace that leads to peace.
V3 Paul had some challenging yet rewarding times in Philippi. Note that Paul thanked God for the people who were in his life. Who are some people that you are thankful for? Have you let them know lately how much you appreciate or love them?
V4-11 In this letter we get a glimpse of Paul’s prayer life which was; joyful, confident, and united with other believers. Discuss how these verses can be an encouragement, and instruction to us for our own prayer lives? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
V12-14 Outwardly it appears arresting Paul would stop him from spreading the Gospel, but in reality he was given a whole new audience of palace guards to speak to. Paul’s preaching of the Gospel while in prison inspired many followers to be strengthened in Christ.
V15-17 Paul recognized that some had the wrong motives in their efforts yet he knew the message “Jesus Chris is our Lord and Savior” would prevail over their personal negative intentions or motives.
V18 Paul was not encouraging “pretense” but he acknowledged that the gospel message was more important than individual motives.
V19- Our prayers, His presence, divinely blended together to produce confidence and assurance in Him!
V20- Paul possessed a determination in his life that no matter how much the personal cost; even death, Christ would be magnified.
V21-26 The true heart of a bondservant is to do and see the will of their Master. Paul was eager to go home to Jesus, yet he knew God could and would continue to use him to bless others.
V27- It is Paul’s desire to find those in Phillipi Striving-Working, and Laboring together for the furtherance of the gospel. How can we live out this verse in our own lives?
28-Jesus’ adversaries Pontius Pilate as well as the centurion at the cross were amazed that He was not afraid. (Matt.27:14, 23, 24, 54)
V29-30 The New Testament speaks often of the sufferings we will experience. Revealed in the life of Jesus, experienced by the 1st centuries Christians and every generation to follow, we must be aware that in this life as a Christian we will have suffering. (2 Timothy 3:12).
Paul had grown to the point that his circumstances did not define his relationship with God. That attitude is a great benchmark for us to reach for; loving God, living for God, learning from God, leaning on God. Meditate this week on what God is showing you from chapter 1 and then prepare for next week by reading and thinking upon chapter 2.
My Memory Verse for this week: ________________
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662
- Nov 7, 2012“Introduction to Philippians”
Nov 7, 2012“Introduction to Philippians”By: Dan DavisSeries: Wednesday Evening
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home “Step by Step” Bible studies
Philippians: Background from Acts
The letter to the Philippians is a letter of tremendous encouragement and joy. Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, sends this letter to thank the church in Philippi for their support. He also addresses some issues of unity that had come up. As you begin this study it is our desire that you will have a growing appetite and joy for the Word of God. The time we have in group interaction as well as your own study of the passages can be a fantastic way to learn and grow.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on
your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge
Him, and He shall direct your paths” Proverbs 3:5,6
Philippians background-Acts 16
Philippians is a letter to the church in the city of Philippi. In Acts 16, the Bible gives us some ‘background’ on this city and the people in Philippi.
Read Acts 13:2,3,4 and 16:6-10 How did disciples in the early church determine where they would serve? _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Additional verses showing the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit from the book of Acts:
1:8 Holy Spirit empowers and prepares us to be witnesses
5:9 Warning against “tempting” the Holy Spirit
8:29 Holy Spirit instructs Philip
8:39 Holy Spirit relocates Philip.
10:19 Holy Spirit speaks to Peter
11:28 Holy Spirit gives prophecy
It is important to understand the leading and equipping of the Holy Spirit. The church in Philippi is a result of the work done by the Holy Spirit through someone (Paul) who would follow His instruction. This truth applies to all believers and not church leaders alone. How can we discern and know the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
Acts 16:11-15
Look at the map in the back of you Bible and familiarize yourselves with the area identified. (‘then and now’ maps are available at the entry table.)
V13-16 Lydia becomes the first recorded convert to Christ in Europe. God hears her prayers, opens her heart, and she responds. She shows her appreciation by inviting Paul and his friends to stay with them.
Acts 16:16-24
Paul spoke up for the slave girl and against those who mistreated her. In doing what was right Paul draws criticism and is beaten. Doing what is right often carries a price!
Acts 16:25-40
V25- People are observing how we handle adversity. Paul and Silas were not trying to impress people with their singing. They were singing because of the impression Jesus left on them. What “impresses” you? What do we sing when we face adversity?
V26-34 Neither Paul not Silas had any idea of what would take place as they prayed and worshipped, but you can be sure their motive was to simply focus on God regardless of circumstances.
V27- Thinking he had failed and would be severely punished, the prison keeper was going to commit suicide. Philippi was a Roman ruled city, a model city for Roman government. If a Roman soldier allowed a prisoner to escape then that prisoners’ sentence was placed upon the soldier. It was believed better to die quickly at the hand of a sword than to suffer the torture of the Roman guards.
V34- From thoughts of suicide to New Life! Be patient when life is overwhelming; great things may be just around the corner!
V35-40 Paul shows a little ‘spunk’ as he addresses the punishment they had received. Rather than slip away quietly he wisely points out their wrong doing. It is possible that the church in Philippi was left alone for awhile so that the improper punishment Paul and Silas received would be forgotten.
V40- They visited the new believers and then traveled on to the next city in their journey. It is important to note that encouragement was of vital importance to Paul. He often sought to strengthen through encouragement and the letter to the Philippians is a model of that.
For Next Week: Read the entire book of Philippians and then go back to focus on chapter 1 for next week’s meeting.
My Memory verse for this week is: ______________________________
NOTES: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Calvary Chapel Mountain Home,, 350 N. Main St., Mountain Home, Id. 83647, ph.208-580-0662