Foundations Study, Week 1
As you finish up the first week of this Foundation study I am sure you have noticed that it is very ‘light’ in regards to time commitment and study. My desire for the 8 weeks we will study is that we use the handbook (Biblical Principles for a Strong Foundation by Craig Caster) as a jumpstart to digging in deeper.
Many times when we study or read we can slip into a “check off” mode. Check off mode is when we allot time to read, study, or research and then when we have completed the time or task we “check off” that we have done it. Although this can be an effective way to manage time and commitments it can actually interfere with growing in a personal and individual manner. Here is what I know; when we start w/prayer and invite God to lead us, to teach us and to reveal truth to us then He answers that prayer. He often answers it by stirring a thought about a passage or a topic. If we are checking in and settling down then we will be provoked to look closer or dig deeper. If we are “checking off” and moving on, then often we miss out on what He has for us. So that is why this study has such great possibilities for each of us. As you begin each study be open to what is stirred within you concerning a question or a sidebar passage or comment. Rather than slipping into a check off mode choose to dig in. What is God revealing to you? What stands out to you? What does that word or phrase mean? I think you can see of where we want to go; that is we want to take it personally, make it personal, by seeking and responding to the truths revealed to us. Jesus repeated a phrase frequently that has a firm instruction for all of us; “He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says…” What is He saying to you? He has words of encouragement, words of correction, words of comfort for us if we settle in and listen. I believe the greatest need in the church is for God’s people to know His voice, to receive His words, and then to live in obedience to Him by His power. In this day and in the days to come may we be His people for His purposes for His glory and for our joy. I encourage you to settle in, open up, listen close and enjoy what great things God has in store for you.
This is for everyone who senses Gods calling them to a closer more responsive walk. Jesus’ disciples went from curious, to casual, to committed in their relationship with Him. This was not merely their decision or determination. This was a response on their part to what God was calling them to. It is the same today; we start as curious which for some then leads to a casual healthy spiritual life. For some the curious to casual is followed by His call to a deeper commitment. If you are at that point or sense that God is calling you to a role of leadership, or perhaps a role of support and helps, or even a more committed consistent spiritual life, then the DEEPER STILL tract is for you. This will involve the same approach as listed in the initial portion of this letter as well as additional disciplines.
In DEEPER STILL I ask that you commit additional time to prayer. This prayer time is enhanced as you keep a reading journal and prayer log of what God is showing you. Along with the reading journal and prayer log, I ask that you read supplemental articles that I will have available to you. As you glean from these articles and writings I ask that you write brief summaries or reports on a selected few. DEEPER STILL will help you learn to listen to Gods voice. It will help you learn from others who have experienced God’s faithfulness. DEEPER STILL will strengthen you and stretch you in your spiritual journey with Jesus.
To be involved with the DEEPER STILL tract of this Foundation Study simply reply to this email and indicate that you would like to be a part of the DEEPER STILL portion.
I am excited to see what God will do in our lives during this time together. I believe He will bless our diligence and commitment to Him and even raise up a new group of leaders, teachers, evangelists from among us. Exciting times, time to be ready and alert!
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1Corinthians 15:58
By His Grace,
Pastor Dan